Предварительные результаты исследования прогностической значимости аллелей PLA1/PLA2 гена гликопротеина GP3a при раке предстательной железы

Prognostic implications of GP3a glucoprotein gene PLA1/PLA2 allele in prostatic cancer: pilot results of the study

We studied the role of integrins, primarily, the role of allele distribution of GP3a gene in development of prostatic cancer (PC) and assessment of its prognostic significance. From November 2003 to May 2004 we examined 32 patients with PC: 11 patients with local PC T1-2N0M0; 14 patients with locally advanced cancer T3N0M0 and 7 patients with invasive and/or metastatic cancer T3-4N1M0-1 or T3-4N0-1M1. The blood from all the patients we studied with PCR for alleles of GP3a gene, PSA. Seventeen patients were found to have alleles PLAIAI, 14(44%) - alleles PLA1A2, 1(3%) - alleles PLA2A2. Alleles PLA1A2 occurred significantly more often than in the population (p < 0.005). The group analysis has found that 8 patients with local PC had alleles PLAIAI, 3 patients - alleles PLA1A2 (27%). We discovered alleles PLA2A2, PLAIAI and PLA1A2 in 1(7%), 5(36%) and 8(57%) patients with locally advanced PC, respectively. Among patients with metastatic and/or invasive prostatic cancer, there were 4 (57%) and 3 (43%) cases of alleles PLAIAI and PLA1A2, respectively. Our study demonstrated influence of carriage of PLA2 allele on occurrence of PC risk (5-fold higher) and its invasive forms (10-fold higher and more). Probability to develop local invasion among patients with prostatic cancer - carriers allele PLA1A2 is 6 times higher than among carriers of alleles PLAIAI. A PC course in carriers of alleles PLA1A2 may be characterized by faster development of local invasion and metastasizing vs carriers of alleles PLAIAI. These findings can be used in design of nomograms for prognostication of invasion of clinically small tumors in verification of significance on greater number of the patients.

Лоран О.Б. 1 , Иткес А.В. 2 , Серегин А.А.1 , Мяндина Г.И. 2
Номер выпуска
  • 1 РМАПО
  • 2 Российский университет дружбы народов

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