В настоящей статье представлены возможные подходы к оценке параметров страхового риска, а также определению базовой страховой премии на основе статистической информации о результатах страхования в предыдущие периоды. Материал статьи, по мнению автора, может быть полезен математикам страховых компаний, занятым в области рискового страхования.
The article is dedicated to different methods of aggregating of the insurance statistical data as well as to the methods of estimating the main parameters of the factorized insurance risk (i.e. the mean and the variance of the distribution of number of claims made per one insurance policy during the period of insurance and the mean and the variance of the distribution of claim amount standardized by the volume of risk) using the Individual Risk Model and the Collective Risk Model. Some unbiased estimators of the parameters of the insurance risk for the groups of risks, which differ only by their volumes, are derived and their values are smoothed over the groups of insurance risks using the Credibility theory.