Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Медицина.
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН).
С. 136-137
Amount of monomer evaporated during the polymerization process of acrylate cement «Simplex Surgical Plane with Microlock» is calculated. It is estimated to be 1066 mg. We have shown that the monomer evaporated during the polymerization of acrylate cement can cause toxic effect on the organism if released in large amount in the blood stream. Besides, the gaseous state of the monomer can change the position of the stem in the canal. So as to prevent the negative effect of monomer a canal should be established thus allowing the toxic substance to find its way out of the closed system and thereby diminishing the pressure.