При помощи клинико-катамнестического, электроэнцефалографического и экспериментально-психологического методов обследовано 62 больных алкоголизмом (15 женщин и 47 мужчин) с корсаковским синдромом. По особенностям клиники и динамики заболевания, а также по данным экспериментально-психологического исследования были выделены две группы больных. У первой группы корсаковский синдром развивался остро в молодом возрасте, расстройства памяти в процессе лечения имели положительную динамику, при этом данные экспериментально-психологического исследования выявляли более грубые расстройства познавательной деятельности, чем у больных второй группы, с постепенным формированием корсаковского синдрома в результате длительного течения алкоголизма, протекавшего без выраженной социальной дезадаптации. Особый интерес представляют выявленные в процессе исследования особенности познавательной деятельности у этих больных.
105 patients with alcohol-induced psycho-organic syndrome were thoroughly studied during the period of 1989-1999 using complex modern clinical methods. 62 of them had Korsakov's syndrome. The study revealed an increase of the occurrence of this syndrome in present in comparison with 10 years ago statistic data. Two types of this syndrome were described. 15 of the patients (age 20-35 years), developed the first type of the Korsakov's syndrome. All of them had a history of perinatal minimal brain damage, early onsets of alcohol abuse (between 16-20 years). Repeated incidents of alcoholic psychosis, significant alcoholic disastrous effects on professional, social and family status. Korsakov syndrome had an acute onset after Wernike encephalopathy or after severe Alcoholic delirium, with developing somato-neurological symptoms. In this type of Korsakov syndrome, disturbed somatic, Neurologic, intellectual functions were comparably more curable, than in the second type of Korsakov disease. Second type of Korsakov's Disease which was observed in 47 patients between the ages of 40-60 yrs, amoung who abuse of Alcoholism began in 25-30 years. This group of patients had no records of alcoholic psychosis in history, were continuously occupied at work, although showed sings of retardation in intelligence, lived with their own family members, never received anti-Alcoholic treatment, support or aid. 13 patients had an acute onset of Korsakov's syndrome after Alcoholic delirium, while 34 patients had a gradual development of the later, as the so-called Korsakov's without Wernike syndrome, usually considered as the same disease. Neurological symptoms were mild, cognitive and memory disturbances were irreversible regardless to the intensive treatment. The particularity of this type is absence of development of alcoholic personality in patients. The particulars of cognitive disorders were of great interes. Patients were successfully treated by using massive doses of vitamins of group's В, РР, & Nootropics which plays a significant role in retarding the clinical manifestations of the Korsakove Disease.