Машиночитаемое право и его роль в функционировании маркетплейсов

Проанализированы ключевые подходы к осмыслению сущности машиночитаемого права как элемента LegalTech. Представлено авторское понятие машиночитаемого права. Обозначена проблематика машиночитаемого права: разработка онтологий в машиночитаемом праве, выбор оптимального машиночитаемого формата, нравственная проблема роботизации правовых актов с позиции философии права. Исследованы основные механизмы применения машиночитаемого права в маркетплейсах. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

The development trend of information technology and digital economy forms the task aimed at developing approaches to the legal understanding of the phenomenon of machine-readable law. The article considers machine-readable law as a key element of LegalTech and the interaction of machine-readable law with new emerging phenomena such as marketplaces. The main aim of the research is to define the essence of machine-readable law and establish its role in the functioning of marketplaces. An additional aim is to reveal the issues of machine-readable law. The work studied the key doctrinal approaches of Russian and foreign scientists, legal acts of state bodies of the Russian Federation and other states, as well as the practice of applying the technologies of machine-readable law. Machine-readable law is a relatively new phenomenon, although it dates back to the second half of the 20th century, as a result of which there is no unambiguous understanding of this term in legal science. Some scientusts understand machine-readable law as a set of legal norms that have the property of being automatically read by a machine. Others, to put it simply, understand machine-readable law as “technology”. The study concludes that machine-readable law should be considered in narrow and broad senses while noting that understanding also depends on the way in which machine-readable law will develop. The work raises the issues of machine-readable law and the possibilities of its application in the functioning of marketplaces. It reveals the difficulties of developing ontologies in machine-readable law, which lie in the ambiguity of interpretations of various legal categories, while theoretically the formal language of machine-readable law is much more sensitive to various kinds of collisions. The problem of choosing the most optimal machine-readable format from the technologies of natural language processing (NLP) to more easily perceived machine formats XLM, JSON is analyzed. The moral problem of robotization of legal acts from the position of the philosophy of law is touched upon. Based on the consolidation of the obtained research results, a number of directions for the application of machine-readable law in the functioning of marketplaces have been formed. The use of machine-readable law resources will enhance the functionality of marketplaces, including ensuring reliability, safety, and compliance with laws. In particular, as already noted, these tools of cross-cutting technologies can be used to optimize the processes of filtering and classifying goods (services), accompanying transactions, processing complaints, and resolving disputed legal relations within the corresponding online platform. The authors declare no conflicts of interests.

Номер выпуска
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
Ключевые слова
machine-readable law; marketplace; legislation; machine-readable format; automation; digitization; digital transformation of law; машиночитаемое право; маркетплейс; законодательство; машиночитаемый формат; автоматизация; цифровизация; цифровая трансформация права
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