Восточноафриканское сообщество: 20 лет региональной интеграции

В статье проанализированы процессы социально-экономического развития и региональной экономической интеграции в рамках Восточноафриканского сообщества (ВАС). Автором установлено, что интеграционные процессы в рамках ВАС поступательно и устойчиво развивались. Это проявилось, в частности, в росте внутрирегиональной торговли. Имеются и качественные изменения, такие как постепенная трансформация отраслевой структуры стран ВАС. Среди проблем выделена высокая дифференциация и низкий уровень развития рыночных структур, а также дублирующее членство стран ВАС в других региональных экономических сообществах.

The article analyzes the processes of socio-economic development and regional economic integration within the SOUTH-East African community. The study is important because of the relevance of the analysis of regional economic integration processes in developing countries, especially in Africa, in the context of growing global instability and protectionist trends in world trade. On the other hand, integration into the world economy for African countries is significantly facilitated with the support of partner countries in the integration bloc. The author analyzed statistical data from the international database of UNCTAD on the main macroeconomic indicators of socio-economic and integration development of the EAC countries since 2000, the year of the creation of the East African community. The author has revealed that socio-economic and integration processes within the framework of the East African community have developed steadily and steadily. This was reflected both in the growth of GDP and per capita income, as well as intraregional trade. In addition to quantitative indicators, we can also talk about qualitative changes, such as the gradual transformation of the industry structure of the EAC countries - from mainly agricultural to service and, to a lesser extent, industrial. Among the problems, the author highlights the high differentiation and low level of development of market structures, as well as the duplicate membership of the EAC countries in other regional economic communities. These and other problems make it difficult to further develop the complete Common market of the East African community. This research makes a significant contribution to understanding the nature and features of integration processes in the East African community.

Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Российская академия наук"
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
Ключевые слова
East African Community; Eac; Regional Economic Integration; customs union; common market; intra-regional trade; Восточноафриканское сообщество; ВАС; региональная экономическая интеграция; таможенный союз; общий рынок; внутрирегиональная торговля

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