This article is devoted to the theoretical understanding of intercultural interaction at the stage of adaptation and integration of migrants. It discloses the approach of creating a multilevel system for the formation of intercultural communications in migration processes. The problem of the formation of such a system in Russia in the future is indicated and an approach to its solution is proposed. In recent years, the world has seen a rapid increase in population migration. This is largely due to: globalization, accompanied by transparency of state borders; uneven economic development of countries, causing population migration from poor countries to richer countries; the demographic crisis of the Nordic countries and population growth in the southern and Asian countries, as well as the growth of military conflicts in the world. The scale of population migration led to: increased crime in the migration environment, the emergence of refugee camps with terrifying living conditions for migrants, the spread of slave labor and slave relations, the growth of extremism and terrorism. One of the most destructive consequences of large-scale population migration is the formation by migrants of numerous ethnic enclaves, in which migrants isolate themselves from the local population. Migrants speak their native language, and profess their own culture and religion. The formation of ethnic enclaves violates the previous way of life of the local population, generates the radicalization of migration relations between migrants and the local population, bringing the process to the level of hostility. The presence of enclaves undermines the stability of migrant populations, creates conditions for the emergence of major social conflicts, similar to those that have occurred relatively recently in Australia, Germany, France and several other countries, and also creates favorable conditions for the spread of extremism and terrorism all over the world. Destructive consequences of migration are largely due to differences in the cultures of migrants and the local population, the complexity of mutual cultural penetration, the inability and sometimes unwillingness of migrants to adapt and integrate into the host society, as well as the authorities' inability to facilitate the adaptation of migrants and integrate them into the host society.

Kononov L.A.1 , Glinskaya I.Y. 2
Сборник материалов конференции
Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
  • 1 Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • 2 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Ключевые слова
population migration; intercultural communication; intercultural cooperation; intercultural dialogue; migration policy; adaptation of migrants; integration of migrants

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