Effectiveness of biologically active substances from hypericum perforatum L. In the complex treatment of purulent wounds

The pharmacological activity of Hypericum (Hypericum Perforatum L.) in the complex treatment of purulent wounds in cattle is due to its pronounced antimicrobial properties, which are associated with the content of a number of biologically active substances, such as phenolcarboxylic acids and flavonoids, as well as phloroglucinols and naphthodiantrons. Created by us a phytosorbent of Hypericum by immobilizing an extract of the herb Hypericum (Hyperici perforati herbae extract) on silicon dioxide (SiO2), and also the study was conducted its effectiveness in the complex treatment of accidental purulent musculocutaneous wounds in cattle. It is shown that the use of Hypericum phytosorbent for medicinal purposes in case of accidental purulent wounds in cattle allows you to reduce the healing time of wounds by 1.1 times (p<0.01) faster than in the control group of animals. This is confirmed by the fact that in animals of the experimental group, complete wound cleansing occurred 1.8 days earlier (p<0.001) than in animals of the control group. It should be noted that granulations in the wounds of animals of the experimental group appeared 1.5 days earlier (p<0.01) than in the control group. Therefore, active epithelization of wounds in animals of the experimental group began 2.2 days earlier (p<0.001) than in the control group. The high therapeutic effect of the schemes that which used in animals of the experimental group is due to the usage of Hypericum holed phytosorbent in the first phase of the wound process, which contributed to the rapid cleaning of wounds and the transition of the wound process to the stage of regeneration, which ultimately led to rapid wound healing. Wound healing in animals of the experimental group ended with the formation of a mobile connective tissue scar, small in size, with a good cosmetic effect. © 2020, Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved.

Vatnikov Y. 1 , Shabunin S.2 , Kulikov E. 1 , Karamyan A. 1 , Lenchenko E.3 , Sachivkina N. 1 , Bobkova N.4 , Bokov D.4 , Zhilkina V. 5 , Tokar A.6 , Shopinskaya M. 1 , Rudenko P. 1, 7
Advanced Scientific Research
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Department of Veterinary Medicine, Agrarian Technological Institute, Peoples' Friendship, University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 Russian Research Veterinary Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology, and Therapy of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Voronezh, Russian Federation
  • 3 Department of Veterinary Medicine, Moscow State University of Food Production, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 4 Institute of Pharmacy, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 5 Institute of Biochemical Technology and Nanotechnology, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 6 State service of veterinary medicine of the Lugansk people's Republic (LPR), Lugansk, Ukraine
  • 7 Biological Testing Laboratory, Branch of Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BIBCh RAS), Moscow region, Pushchino, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
Cows; Hypericum; Phytosorbent; Purulent wounds; Silicon dioxide

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