Статья написана в рамках медиалингвистики и посвящена анализу реализации центральных категорий классической риторики - правильности (чистоты), ясности (точности), уместности и красоты - в текстах региональной прессы Республики Южная Осетия в сравнении с медийными текстами более широкого распространения.
It is absolutely true that the media is considered to be “a qualitatively new social and linguistic reality of a person” (A.V. Polonsky). Therefore it is no coincidence that a whole scientific direction - media linguistics - studies the rhetorical features of media texts. The article is written within the framework of this new scientific direction and devoted to the analysis of the implementation of the central categories of classical rhetoric such as correctness (purity), clarity (accuracy), relevance and beauty, in the texts of the regional press of the RSO (Republic of South Ossetia) in comparison with media texts of wider distribution.