This article touches upon linguodidactic testing in the framework of ICT - the assessment method of students' knowledge which models the overall student-teacher relationship. It is applied in the framework of the learning management systems relying on the knowledge base. The development of professional and creative competences implies that students should not just absorb specific knowledge and skills, but they are supposed to master the entire complex of theoretical and practical experience and expertise. This kind of integrated knowledge is formed on the basis of the most efficient component of e-learning, namely - linguodidactic testing in the framework of ICT. ICT is the most acceptable pedagogic tool for the implementing a creative task. A creative component appears in communicative activity and is expressed in different kinds of independent work. In recent years, the issues associated with the application of new information technologies have been subjected to detailed analysis. While some competences are controlled and assessed automatically to save time and provide numeric representation of results, other competences (mostly, creative one) are assessed by the teacher who can ensure a more individual and insightful evaluation of the student's work. Thus, standardized monitoring is the most effective tool, which checks the formation of professional communicative competence and creative one that basically implies that a student is given assignments that are further assessed by the system to estimate the student's progress. The advantages of the method are: standardization of monitoring procedures; numerical representation of monitoring findings for their further processing; minor time expenditure for progress control.