Evaluation of quality of life and psychological condition of persons having undergone aortocoronary heart shunting

Introduction: This paper deals with an estimation of the quality of life (QOL) and a psychological condition of the persons of different age having undergone aortocoronary heart shunting, in the course of physical rehabilitation. Organization and Methods of Research: The study was carried out on the basis of the Regional Hospital of Rehabilitation in the city of Arkhangelsk. Patients who had undergone both aortocoronary bypass surgery (ACBS) on the basis of MHI "First City Clinical Hospital" in the city of Arkhangelsk and rehabilitation on the basis of the Regional Hospital of Restorative Treatment in Arkhangelsk took part in the examination. The QOL survey was assessed using the Russian version of the World Health Organization questionnaire (100 questions), designed to assess the QOL of an adult Russian-speaking population of Russia and other countries (WHOQOL Group, 1993). Using the questionnaire, six major QOL areas were assessed: Physical functions, psychological functions, independence level, social relations, the environment and the spiritual sphere, as well as the respondents' perception of their QOL and health in general. The level of situational and personal anxiety was assessed using the Spielberger-Khanin questionnaire. Results: The analysis of the QOL and psychological state in people having undergone ACBS in the course of rehabilitation was conducted, which revealed the features of the dynamics of the studied indicators in groups of people of middle and old age. It was established that the improvement of the psychological sphere of the QOL, situational, and personal anxiety is slower in elderly people in comparison with middle-aged people. Conclusion: This indicates the need to create individual approaches to physical and psychological rehabilitation in persons of different age at all stages of rehabilitation. © Drug Invention Today, 2018.

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  • 1 Department of Physical Education and Sports, RUDN University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 Department of Health and Adaptive Physical Education, Moscow State Region University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 3 Department of Normal Physiology, RUDN University, Moscow, Russian Federation
Aortocoronary bypass surgery; Personal anxiety; Quality of life; Rehabilitation; Situational

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