EA-IRMS / SIRA Mass Spectrometry of Stable Carbon Isotopes 13C / 12C in Dissolved Carbon Dioxide of Sparkling and Sparkling Pearl Wines

A new analytical approach is presented in the study of the composition of stable carbon isotopes 13С / 12С in carbon dioxide dissolved in sparkling and sparkling pearl wines. The new approach is based on a simple and quick way to prepare samples for analysis, which eliminates the use of complex and expensive equipment. The developed approach was first applied to study of the composition of stable carbon isotopes13C / 12С (613 WPDB) in wines presented on the Russian market in order to evaluate the nature of dissolved carbon dioxide. The results show that the values of 613 WPDB of carbon dioxide in analyzed samples of sparkling and sparkling pearl wines range from -30.88 to -25.59%, and in the carbonated wine drink they reach the level of -42.14%». The analytical development based on the proposed method for preparing samples for isotopic measurement has shown its effectiveness in conducting research on technogenic factors that have a direct impact on quality, including authenticity of food products. The results of testing the new approach allow recommending it for use in assessing the quality of sparkling and sparkling pearl wines, as well as mineral water and other drinks containing dissolved carbon dioxide.

Акционерное общество "Рекламно-издательский центр "ТЕХНОСФЕРА"
Number of issue
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
carbon isotopes I3C / 12С; preparing samples; dissolved carbon dioxide

Other records

Колеснов А.Ю., Цимбалаев С.Р., Зенина М.А., Терещенко Г.С.
Аналитика. Акционерное общество "Рекламно-издательский центр "ТЕХНОСФЕРА". Vol. 9. 2019. P. 282-289
Shirokova V.E., Ovchinnikova O.P.
Экономика. Бизнес. Банки. Автономная некоммерческая организация высшего образования "Русско-Итальянский Международный Университет" (Институт). 2019. P. 85-102