Системный анализ связи дыма лесных пожаров и опухолей центральной нервной системы у детей

Изучена связь между числом лесных пожаров и частотой опухолей центральной нервной системы (Оп ЦНС) в когортах детей младшего возраста (ДМВ) в возрасте 0-4 года. Установлено наличие значительной корреляционной связи ( r = =0,533; p = 0,028) между числом пожаров, имевших место через один год после рождения детей, и заболеваемостью Оп ЦНС в когортах ДМВ.

System analysis of linkages between forest fires's smoke and tumors of the central nervous system in children

Tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) are on the second place in the structure of the incidence of children with malignant neoplasms in most parts of the world, including Russia. At present, the relationship between prenatal and postnatal exposure to smoke of various origins and the incidence of CNS tumors in children aged 0-4 has been established. The authors used a system analysis of the relationship between forest fires and CNS malignancies in cohorts of young children in the Khabarovsk region. There was no negative effect of prenatal exposure of forest fires smoke, but was found a significant correlation ( r = 0.533, p = 0.028) between the number of fires that took place in the season 1 year after the birth of children and the incidence of CNS tumors. The results are obtained partly correlated with the literature data on the relationship between prenatal and postnatal exposure to smoke and the incidence of CNS malignancies in children. To explain the absence of the influence of the prenatal exposition of smoke from the forest fires, authors suggest the multi-stage epigenome dysregulation of semaphorins and their receptors functions during the brain development, with the dominant effect of postnatal exposure as one of the causes of CNS malignancies in young children.

Закрытое акционерное общество Издательство Радиотехника
Number of issue
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • 2 Computer Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 3 Far state medical Eastern Federal University Ministries of Health of the Russian Federation
экология; факторы окружающей среды; дым; древесный дым; лесные пожары; антенатальный; пренатальный; внутриутробный; дети; онкогенез; канцерогенез; опухоли центральной нервной системы; рак; новообразования; системный анализ; ecology; environmental factors; smoke; Wood smoke; forest fires; Antenatal; prenatal; In utero; child; oncogenesis; carcinogenesis; central nervous system; brain tumor; cancer; neoplasms; system analysis
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