The study aimed to establish correlation between airway obstruction and specific IgE specificity, managing future treatment in the patients with bronchial asthma, among the population of west Georgia. In the study have been involved 56 patients (among them 24 males and 32 females) of different ages, with diagnostic bronchial asthma (according to GINA recommendation). On the ground of the aim the study included the following steps of allegro-diagnostics: I step - Computerized spirometry by apparatus ,,SPIROLAB 3". II step - To detect allergenization degree, total serum IgE levels, specific IgE and concentration of Phadiatop, using modern automated system - "Immuno CAP 100", were estimated in the patients. III step- future treatment recommendations. All 56 patients were undergone the spirometry measurement. Our results show that of 56 patient 21 (38%) had very severe obstruction by spiromatry: Pretest: FEV 1 - 28%; FEF-45%; FEV1/FVC ratio -55% on average. Post test: significant bronchodilatation was revealed FEV1> +12%( >200 mL) after the inhalation of four puffs of a short - acting beta2 sympathomimetic agent, e.r., 400 µg of salbutamol. In 19 (33%) patients severe bronchoobstruction was established. By spiromometry was revealed: Pre test: FEV 1 - 42%; FEF-55%; FEV1/FVC ratio -67% on average. Post test: significant bronchodilatation was revealed FEV1> +12%( >200 mL) In 14 (25%) patients moderate bronchoobstruction was diagnosed, the spiromatry results were. Pretest: FEV 1 - 52%; FEF-65%; FEV1/FVC ratio - 67% on average. Post test: It was revealed significant bronchodilatation FEV1> +12%( >200 mL). Only in 2 (4%) patients were diagnosed the normal spiromatry. In the patients with bronchial asthma of a specific positivity of specific IgE to the weeds (Wx2) - ambrosia, plantain, clasp/tarragon, atriplex - in 23 (53%) on average; tree dust (Tx9) - alder, lactarius piperatus, nuts, oak, willow - 11 (19%); and cereals (Gx1) - festuca pratensis, lolium temulentum, timoti grass, poa - 9 (16%); Mx2 -Penicillium notatum, Cladosporium herbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans, Alternaria alternate- 15 (21%) was revealed, only in 5 (9%) patients we cannot established the allergy specific IgE. It was established the correlation between spiromatry dates and special allergen specific IgE in patient with bronchial asthma. The latter is of great importance for providing the effective and safe allegro-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) and successful preventive measures.