Сейсмостойкие сооружения

Earthquake resistant structures

This article touches upon the design of earthquake resistant structures, the structures that can mitigate the effect of earthquakes. The main philosophy of earthquake resistant construction is not to design a building that wouldn’t be damage even during the rare but strong earthquake, but to design a building that wouldn’t collapse, so that people have time to escape the building. Basically, there are two ways to achieve earthquake resistance – conventional approach and the basic approach. Conventional approach depends upon providing the building with strength, stiffness and inelastic deformation capacity which are great enough to withstand a given level of earthquake-generated force. This can be accomplished by selection of an appropriate structural configuration and careful detailing of structural members, such as beams and columns, and the connections between them. Basic approach depends upon underlying more advanced techniques for earthquake resistance is not to strengthen the building, but to reduce the earthquake generated forces acting upon it. This can be accomplished by de- coupling the structure from seismic ground motion. It is possible to reduce the earthquake induced forces in it by three ways: increase natural period of structures by Base Isolation; increase damping of system by Energy Dissipation Devices; mitigate earthquake effects completely by using Active Control Devices.

Nurutdinov A.R.1 , Mirzoyev J.V.1
  • 1 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
землетрясение; сейсмостойкий; магнитуда; сейсмическая изоляция фундамента; гаситель энергии; рассеивание энергии; инерция; усиление; earthquake; earthquake resistant; magnitude; base isolation; damper; energy dissiapation; inertia; retrofitting

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