The article discusses the features of the development of Russian philosophical cosmology in the XX-XXI centuries based on a transcendental or immanent explanation of the unity of the world. This or that principle contains (or does not contain) the goal, the meaning of the earthly life of mankind. Three stages of Russian philosophical cosmology are investigated: the classical period of the late XIX - the first half of the twentieth century, the Soviet philosophy of geology of the 80s. And post-Soviet philosophical thought. A common motive was the opposition to the mechanistic picture of the world, but from different perspectives - Christian energetics or dialectical materialism, which interprets the data of the natural sciences in different ways, affirm or deny the unity of science and religion. The monographs of I.F. Zubkov and A.S. Khomenkov are analyzed as representative authors of these directions on the problem of the origin and development of the Earth. This paper traced the tradition of Orthodox energetics in Russian philosophy, arguing the inability to overcome reductionism and the naive realism of the mechanistic approach from the standpoint of dialectical materialism.