Проблема дифференциации синонимичных глаголов современного китайского языка со значением "делать": корпусное исследование

Анализируются контексты употребления синонимичных глаголов современного китайского языка со значением «делать». Основным методом исследования выступает расширенный вариант компонентного анализа с привлечением методов анализа словарных дефиниций и анкетирования носителей китайского языка. В качестве источника языкового материала выбран лингвистический корпус BCC. Определены дифференциальные семы в составе пяти синонимичных глаголов, выявлены случаи взаимозаменяемости.

The article discusses the problem of semantic and functional differentiation of synonymous verbs with the meaning of doing in modern Chinese. The aim of the work is to analyse the combinability characteristics of investigated verbs and to determine their differential semes. The results of the analysis of entries in synonym dictionaries that differentiate Chinese verbs with the meaning of doing are the following: (1) only two or three verbs are typically compared, whereas the synonymous series of such verbs in modern Chinese is much longer; (2) characteristics of lexical and grammatical combinability of verbs are not analysed in detail. For further analysis, five most common synonymous verbs with the meaning of doing in modern Chinese (作, 做, 弄, 干 and 搞) were selected. The source of the language material in the form of contexts in which investigated verbs are used is BCC corpus. The main method of the research was an extended variant of componential analysis. This kind of analysis involves reference to contexts in which investigated verbs are used in the linguistic corpus, whereas classical componential analysis concentrates only on dictionary definitions. The analysis of the contexts in which synonymous verbs 作, 做, 弄, 干 and 搞 are used made it possible to describe their combinability with nouns, prepositions and verb-suffixes; determine the ability of using complements, reduplication and insertion into a compound verb; define stylistic features. After that the verbs were compared according to the following criteria: shades of meaning, nature of nouns which the verbs take, semantic and syntactic relations with nouns in object position, verb form, nature of action (concrete or abstract), stylistic features. The research revealed that the verb 作 stood semantically and functionally apart from the other four verbs, which were often interchangeable. Therefore, the comparative analysis was conducted in two main groups: (1) the verb 作 was compared with the verb 做, which had the broadest semantics; (2) the verbs 做, 弄, 干 and 搞 were compared as interchangeable. In addition to the main part of the research, in order to clarify information on the differentiation of interchangeable verbs, a survey of native Chinese speakers was conducted. The results of the survey confirmed the high interchangeability of the investigated verbs. The study has shown that the most popular verb, which fits most of the controversial contexts, is the verb 做, and the least popular verb is 干.

Шавалова Е.П. 1 , Маннапова С.А.2
Number of issue
  • 1 Российский университет дружбы народов
  • 2 Московский городской педагогический университет
synonym; seme; componential analysis; Linguistic Corpus; semantic differentiation; functional differentiation; синоним; сема; компонентный анализ; лингвистический корпус; семантическая дифференциация; функциональная дифференциация
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