Галушкин А.А.

Galushkin A.A.

List of records

Sibgatullina T.V., Utemov V.V., Galushkin A.A., Zaitseva N.A.
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Eurasian Society of Educational Research. Vol. 15. 2019.
Galushkin A.A., Olimpiev A.Y., Pashentsev D.A., Ponamorenko V.E.
Voprosy Istorii. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Журнал "Вопросы истории". Vol. 2019. 2019. P. 49-53
Prokofieva E.N., Erdyneyeva K.G., Galushkin A.A., Prokopyev A.I., Prasolov V.I., Ashmarina S.I., Ilkevich B.V., Kubiatko M.
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Eurasian Society of Educational Research. Vol. 14. 2018. P. 753-764

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