
The Pharmacophore is a broad-spectrum, peer-reviewed An International Research Journalwelcomes original contributions of fundamental research in all the branches of Pharmaceutical and Medical Science or related disciplines. It circulated electronically via the World Wide Web. The journal is devoted to the promotion of research, the current health needs of the world, in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Science or related disciplines. The journal has an Editorial Board to maintain, the high scientific standards of the Journal, the essential characteristics of scientific publications for evaluation quality of the research findings. The Editorial Board of the Pharmacophore and the panel of reviewers comprise high-ranking Scientist, Academia, Health Professionals, Researchers and Experts of their fields. It will provide the depth and breadth of editorial coverage to the all health professionals. The Reviewers are selected by the Editor with advice of the Editorial Board on the basis of their expertise in related fields and track record of experience in publishing research papers.

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ISSN: 2229-5402

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