Objective of the study: To study the relationship between nutritional status parameters and spirometric parameters reflecting bronchial patency in children with bronchial asthma (BA). Materials and methods of research: A retrospective non-randomized single-center comparative study of 417 children, 297 boys (71,2%) and 120 girls (28,8%), age 10,5 [10,2; 10,9] years with atopic BA. All children underwent spirometry and anthropometry. Results: An increase in body weight from underweight to obesity was accompanied by a decrease in the FEV1/FVC ratio from 80,4 [48,8; 97,9]% to 73,7 [47,4; 88,1]%, p=0,003, MEF 25% (% pred) from 70,9 [19,4; 171,5]% to 55,1 [20,2; 110,0]%, p=0,003 and FEF 25-75 (% pred) from 79,2 [28,6; 173,6]% to 65,9 [24,8; 103,5]%, p=0,02; at the same time, there is an increase in FVC% pred from 104,88±17,26 to 112,13±16,22%, р=0,01, which may be associated with the phenomenon of dysanapsis. The body mass index (BMI) and relative BMI values negatively correlate with the FEV1/FVC index (r=-0,20 and r=-0,19, respectively, p=0,0001). Similar data for the general cohort was collected in the cohort of boys. Conclusion: Indicators of nutritional status, as well as spirometric indicators, can be important components of an objective assessment of the condition of children with asthma for individual effective therapy of the disease. © 2021, Pediatria Ltd.. All rights reserved.