To the Issue of the Public Education System on the Territory of the Caucasian Educational District in 1848-1917. Part 1 [К вопросу о системе народного образования на территории Кавказского учебного округа в 1848–1917 гг. Часть 1]

The authors attempt to consider the systems of public education on the territory of the Caucasian Educational District in the period from 1848 to 1917. In this part of the work, the attention is paid to the period from 1848 to 1900. There were used as materials the annual "Reports of the trustee of the Caucasian Educational District on the state of educational institutions of the Caucasian Educational District", which were published from 1884 to 1914. These reports published data on the public education system subordinated both to the Ministry of Public Education and, especially at the initial stage, on schools of other departments, for example, the Holy Synod. Due to the specifics of the work, the statistical method was widely used in methodological terms. Thanks to its application, we managed to systematize a variety of statistical information on different types of educational institutions (primary, lower and secondary), as well as to identify changes in the number of students in the Caucasus and pay attention to their gender balance. The authors come to the conclusion that the system of public education on the territory of the Caucasian Educational District consisted of secondary, lower, primary and private education. Various parish schools (Orthodox, Armenian-Gregorian, Jewish, Muslim) were not subordinated to the Caucasian School District and data on them were not considered in this work. The Caucasian Educational District, created in 1848, was a territory with scattered centers of public education with the predominance of primary schools. By 1879 there have already been more than 800 educational institutions in the Caucasus, of which 25 are secondary and 32 are lower, together with private ones. By 1900, the number of secondary and lower schools reached 55 and 84, respectively, and the total number of schools reached 1902, with 168 thousand students. Despite the obvious successes in public education, the gender imbalance and the infringement of girls' rights to primary education continued to be a significant problem. Copyright © 2021 by Cherkas Global University.

Natolochnaya O.V.1, 2 , Allalyev R.M. 3, 4 , Dyuzhov A.V.4, 5 , Petrova S.V.6
Sochi State University for Tourism and Recreation
Номер выпуска
  • 1 Cherkas Global University, Washington, United States
  • 2 Volgograd State University, Russian Federation
  • 3 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 4 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russian Federation
  • 5 Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 6 Sochi State University, Russian Federation
Ключевые слова
1848-1917; Caucasian educational district; Historical and statistical research; Public education system

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