The work of contemporary writer Irina Bogatyreva actualizes images of Slavic folklore and world mythology. However, literary critics still can not arrive at common view on what genre and mode of literature her texts belong to. There are such definitions as "magical realism", "ethnic fantasy", "Slavic fantasy", "mythopoetic novel". This study allowed to substantiate the typological nonconformity of Irina Bogatyreva's texts to the above-mentioned genres and to delimit them consistently from such concepts as "magical realism", "fantasy", "heroic epic" and "Slavic fantasy". The analysis of the mythopoietic component of I. Bogatyreva 's works revealed their orientation not towards mythological but to the folklore-ritual imagery, and also makes it possible to assert that the function of folklore elements in the writer's texts is reduced to merely illustrative-ornamental one.