This historical essay is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The chronological period of the study is from 1724 to 1917. The materials were monographs and scientific articles on the history of this institution. The methodological basis consists of content analysis, the method of historical periodization and the method of synthesis. The Academy of Sciences in Russia was established by Peter I, who understood the role of the development of science for the development of the state, since scientific knowledge was based on new technologies involved primarily in military affairs. At the time of its creation, the Academy consisted of three departments: mathematics, physics and humanities. Their tasks included not only conducting research, but also teaching and scientific publishing. The first academics were invited from abroad. From the moment of its foundation until the end of the XVIII century, the Academy developed quite rapidly. One of its main directions was expeditionary activity, namely the creation of the Northern Expeditionary Force and the Academic Expedition. This made it possible to create the first accurate maps of the northern territories of Russia. Publishing activities occupy a significant place among other areas of the Academy (in particular, the release of a multi-volume publication ―Comments of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences”). The 19th century was a time of reforms in the Academy: a new charter was adopted, which provided for the creation of new departments and the expansion of research areas. During this period, such famous scientists as N. Lobachevsky, D. Mendeleev, I. Pavlov and others worked at the Academy. By the beginning of 1917, thanks to the activities of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Russia had become one of the leaders in such sciences as mathematics, chemistry, biology, geology, physics and astronomy. © 2024 by Cherkas Global University.