Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Series Thermonuclear Fusion

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Probl. At. Sci. Technol. Ser. Thermonucl. Fusion
National Research Center Kurchatov Institute
ISSN: 0202-3822
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Vasilkov D.G., Batanov G.M., Borzosekov V.D., Vafin I.Yu., Grebenshchikov S.E., Grishina I.A., Ivanov V.A., Letunov A.A., Logvinenko V.P., Meshcheryakov A.I., Petrova M.N., Stepakhin V.D., Kharchev N.K., Kholnov Yu.V.
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Series Thermonuclear Fusion. National Research Center Kurchatov Institute. Vol. 43. 2020. P. 79-89
Васильков Д.Г., Батанов Г.М., Борзосеков В.Д., Вафин И.Ю., Гребенщиков С.Е., Гришина И.А., Иванов В.А., Летунов А.А., Логвиненко В.П., Мещеряков А.И., Петрова М.Н., Степахин В.Д., Харчев Н.К., Хольнов Ю.В.
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Series Thermonuclear Fusion. National Research Center Kurchatov Institute. Vol. 43. 2020. P. 79-89
Позняк В.И., Гридина Т.В., Питерский В.В., Плоскирев Г.Н., Плоскирев Е.Г., Валенсиа Манрике О.
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, Series Thermonuclear Fusion. National Research Center Kurchatov Institute. 2011. P. 90-102

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