ON THE BOUNDEDNESS OF HAUSDORFF OPERATORS ON MORREY-TYPE SPACES Article Burenkov V.I., Liflyand E. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 8. 2017. P. 97-104
ON PRECOMPACTNESS OF A SET IN GENERAL LOCAL AND GLOBAL MORREY-TYPE SPACES Article Bokayev N.A., Burenkov V.I., Matin D.T. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 8. 2017. P. 109-115
ON PRE-COMPACTNESS OF A SET IN GENERAL LOCAL AND GLOBAL MORREY-TYPE SPACES Article Bokayeva N.A., Burenkov V.I., Matina D.T. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. 2017. P. 109-115
ELLIPTIC DIFFERENTIAL-DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS WITH INCOMMENSURABLE SHIFTS OF ARGUMENTS Article Ivanova E.P. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. Vol 7 No 3. 2016. P. 33-40
ELLIPTIC DIFFERENTIAL-DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS WITH INCOMMENSURABLE SHIFTS OF ARGUMENTSTS Article Ivanova E.P. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 7. 2016. P. 33-40
CONTINUOUS DEPENDENCE OF SOLUTIONS TO FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ON THE SCALING PARAMETER Article Rossovskii L.E. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 7. 2016. P. 68-74
ON STABILITY OF SOLUTIONS TO CERTAIN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH DISCONTINUOUS RIGHT-HAND SIDES Article Bezyaev V.I. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 7. 2016. P. 79-84
ON THE SOLVABILITY OF PARABOLIC FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS IN BANACH SPACES Article Selitskii A.M. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 7. 2016. P. 85-91
YOUNG’S INEQUALITY FOR CONVOLUTIONS IN MORREY-TYPE SPACES Article Burenkov V.I., Tararykova T.V. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 7. 2016. P. 92-99
YOUNG'S INEQUALITY FOR CONVOLUTIONS IN MORREY-TYPE SPACES Article Burenkov V.I., Tararykova T.V. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 7. 2016. P. 92-99
ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE RESOLVENT CONVERGENCE AND THE SMOOTHNESS OF SOLUTIONS TO BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS Article Tsylin I.V. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 7. 2016. P. 100-103
OPTIMAL BANACH FUNCTION SPACE FOR THE GIVEN CONE OF DECREASING FUNCTIONS FROM WEIGHTED LP-SPACE Article Bakhtigareeva E. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. Vol 6 iss 1. 2015. P. 3-22
OPTIMAL BANACH FUNCTION SPACE FOR A GIVEN CONE OF DECREASING FUNCTIONS IN A WEIGHTED L-P - SPACE Article Bakhtigareeva E. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 6. 2015. P. 6-25
OPTIMAL BANACH FUNCTION SPACE FOR A GIVEN CONE OF DECREASING FUNCTIONS IN A WEIGHTED L_P-SPACE Article Bakhtigareeva E., Mantellini Ilaria Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 6. 2015. P. 6-25
OPTIMAL BANACH FUNCTION SPACE FOR A GIVEN CONE OF DECREASING FUNCTIONS IN A WEIGHTED LP - SPACE Article Bakhtigareeva E. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Eurasian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 6. 2015. P. 6-25
CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS Conference proceedings 1st International Scientific Conference Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies, Convergent 2016. CEUR-WS.