Журнал Кардиология - научно-практическое периодическое издание, основано выдающимися учеными академиками АМН СССР А.Л. Мясниковым и П.Е. Лукомским, издается с 1961 года. Основные разделы: клиническая кардиология, ишемическая болезнь сердца, инфаркт миокарда, артериальная гипертония, заболевания миокарда, пороки сердца, аритмии сердца, сердечная недостаточность.


Kardiologiia journal considers its main mission to participate in the process of improving and expanding knowledge in the field of cardiology. For many years, the Kardiologiia has made a significant contribution to the development of cardiology as a science, by creating a platform for the free exchange of knowledge and clinical experience, while ensuring continuous quality control of scientific research through peer review of the presented results of scientific work.The journal seeks to publish peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of cardiovascular diseases: clinical cardiology, epidemiology, visualization techniques, molecular and cellular biology, pathology, physiology, electrophysiology, pharmacology. Kardiologiia publishes original clinical studies, translational studies with obvious clinical significance, review articles on the most complex and under-studied areas of cardiology, as well as editorial articles interpreting and commenting on the research presented.

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KlinMed Consulting
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ISSN: 0022-9040, EISSN: 2412-5660

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