Австрийский журнал гуманитарных и общественных наук

В журнале публикуются материалы по гуманитарным и общественным наукам. Журнал издается на русском и английском языке.

Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

The journal is based in Austria. The journal publishes materials on humanities and social sciences. The journal is published in English and Russian. Periodicity of its publication– 1 issue in 2 months. Articles are accepted until the 30th day of the month. Information about the journal on Google Scholar h-index - 12, i10-index - 24. When sending an article to the journal, the author should make sure that the article has not been previously published, sent to another publisher, approved by all authors or organizations. You can check the article for originality using the Anti-plagiarism service: http://www.antiplagiat.ru The originality level of the article should not be lower than 80%. All submitted materials for publication in the journal must correspond to the following requirements. Articles that do not meet them are not accepted for publication. The package of documents of the author includes: • The article by the author, prepared in accordance with the requirements for submission • Application of the author • Anti-Plagiarism service report of http://www.antiplagiat.ru • Contract of the author

Premier publishing s.r.o.
Publication place
ISSN: 2310-5593
Date of creation
Date of change
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