Reconcilliation of family and professional life in training: Experience and Directions: 8th Meeting of Trainers . Book of Abstracts. European Family Therapy Association Training Institutes Chamber. Iasi, Romania, September 26th-28th 2014

Conference proceedings
Conference title
Reconcilliation of family and professional life in training: Experience and Directions
Conference location
Iasi, Romania
Date of begin
Date of end
Year of issue

List of records

Elena Chebotareva
Reconcilliation of family and professional life in training: Experience and Directions: 8th Meeting of Trainers . Book of Abstracts. European Family Therapy Association Training Institutes Chamber. Iasi, Romania, September 26th-28th 2014. [б.и.]. 2014. P. 5-6

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Other record sources

Международная конференция по гравитации, космологии и астрофизике. Международная школа по гравитации и космологии «GRACOS-2014». Казань. Казанский федеральный университет. 2014.