Языковые права мексиканских мигрантов в США

Language Rights of Mexican Migrants in the United States

The monograph is devoted to the analysis of general trends, forms, methods and outcomes of language policy in the United States regarding Mexican migrants, the study of the essential mechanisms and ways of its implementation at the present stage, the study of social and linguistic realities in the state, the study of the activities of public organizations in this area, as well as legislative process both at the federal and state level. The work was carried out as part of an interdisciplinary paradigm and includes methods of linguistic and historical-legal analysis. Significant weight is attached to specific cases where the requirements are as follows: the mediation of a translator, the identification of the features of specialized translation and interpretation at the state border of the USA and Mexico, the identification of strategies to overcome language barriers between representatives of migration services and migrants. The publication is addressed to a wide range of specialists whose scientific and professional activities are related to the protection of human rights, political science, linguistics and translation, to persons practicing in the field of specialized thematic translation and interpretation, to professors and students of specialized universities. The material has originally been drafted in the form of MA thesis of Maria Mayorova, while Associate Professor Ekaterina Zvereva was the respective research scientific supervisor. The thesis has not been published. Currently, it is in the RUDN University repository with institutional access only.

Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
  • 1 Peoples Friendship University of Russia
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