The Evolution of Cartoons Throughout the History of Mass Communication

This article intends to introduce the topic of Six Information Revolutions based on Irving Fang's views in the book A History of Mass Communications . In a short review, the history of the emergence of caricature and cartoon is discussed and then the functions and importance of political cartoons in the mass media are examined. This assertion is generally agreed upon that the main place and origin of cartoons is in the press and political cartoons have a long life along with the print media. Relying on this fact, the evolution of political cartoons, especially in the period of the second information revolution, i.e. the Printing Revolution and afterward in the third revolution, i.e. the Mass Media Revolution, has been scrutinized. With the development of the printing industry and publishing of newspapers in high circulation, cartoons became available to the public as an important part of the traditional print media; quickly gained popularity and profound influence, and provided a new outlet for information. And it became a new way of launching socio-political debates. Finally, in a holistic approach, today’s pluralized media landscape and the challenges facing editorial cartoonists in the new media space have been analyzed.

Zarifian Mohsen 1 , Volkova Irina 1 , Lazutova Natalia2
Academic Publishing House Researcher
Number of issue
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
  • 2 Moscow State University
cartoon; caricature; political cartoon; editorial cartoon; information revolutions; Irving Fang; mass media; communication; journalism

Other records

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