PSXII-6 Evaluation of the Influence of bGH Gene Polymorphism on Elemental Composition of Blood Serum and Beef Productivity of Black Spotted Bulls

The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of single-nucleotide polymorphism of the bovine growth hormone (bGH) gene on elemental status and beef productivity of Black Spotted bulls (n=100; age18 months). DNA samples were isolated from whole blood. The bGH gene polymorphism was determined using the PCR-RFLP method followed by restriction analysis. The elemental composition of the samples was estimated according to 25 chemical elements (Al, As, B, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, I, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Si, Sn, Hg, Sr, V, Zn) by ICP AES and ICP MS. The detection of SNP (rs135322669) in the bGH gene showed three genotypes: CC (n=58), CG (n=24), GG (n=18). A comparative analysis showed that blood serum of animals with CC genotype contained significantly (Р£0.05) more Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ca, I, Se, Si, Li, Sr compared to the CG and Cu, I genotypes, Se, Ca, Si, Li, V, Sr in comparison with the GG genotype. In bulls with genotype CG to GG more toxic elements-Al, Sn, Pb were accumulated significantly (P£0.01). The Black Spotted bulls with the CC genotype advanced over animals with CG and GG, according to fresh carcass weight by 5.1 (Р≤0.05) and 8.9% (Р≤0.05), carcass yield-by 0.38 and 0.91% (Р≤0.05), internal fat mass-by 5.9 (Р≤0.05) and 15.6% (Р≤0.01), slaughter weight-by 4.8 (Р≤0.05) and 9.1% (Р≤0.01), slaughter yield-by 0.51 and 1.2% (Р≤0.05), pulp weight-by 5.4 (Р≤0.05) and 10.8% (P≤0.01). Thus, selecting Black Spotted bulls according to the bGH gene polymorphism, it is advisable to select individuals homozygous for the CC genotype. Animals with the indicated genotype are characterized by higher beef productivity, increased metabolism of essential elements and a minimum quantity of toxic elements in relation to animals with the CG and GG genotypes

Adamovich M.N. 1 , Khabibullin R.M.2 , Mironova I.V.2 , Yarmukhamedova E.I.2 , Galiyeva Zulfiya2 , Chernyshenko Yu.N.2 , Vasilev Vladimir
Number of issue
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • 2 Bashkir State Agrarian University
beef productivity; Black Spotted breed; bGH gene; bulls; genotype; trace elements

Other records

Овсянников Д.Ю., Карпенко М.А., Даниэл-Абу М., Фролов П.А., Гитинов Ш.А., Григориадис Н.К., Яковлева А.А., Кругляков А.Ю., Мирошниченко В.П., Горев В.В., Худякова А.А., Юдина А.Е., Беленович Е.В., Османов И.М., Вайнштейн Н.П., Турина И.Е., Корсункский А.А., Карпова А.Л., Мостовой А.В., Габлия Т.И., Габлия Е.М., Макаренко Е.В.
Практика педиатра. ООО «Фарм Пресс». 2022. P. 22-29