Ситуация, когда в человеке присутствуют разнонаправленные, взаимоисключающие и сопоставимые по силе стремления, называется внутриличностным конфликтом. Такие конфликты чаще всего носят сиюминутный характер и быстро разрешаются. Однако в тех случаях, когда окончательного решения проблемы не наступает, а стремления продолжают существовать, конфликт хронизуется и начинает приобретать клиническую значимость из-за постоянного возврата к конфликтной ситуации. По мнению многих специалистов, в том числе великих психологов прошлого, длительно персистирующий внутриличностный конфликт способен приводить к возникновению неврозов. Более того, есть свидетельства патогенного влияния конфликта через психосоматические механизмы. Большинство исследователей сходятся во мнении, что наиболее оптимальным решением внутриличностного конфликта является смещение равновесия противоборствующих стремлений. Решающее значение для этого имеет адекватная информированность пациента о свойствах объектов его стремлений. В случае фундаментальной нерешаемости возникшего конфликта путем выведения имеющихся стремлений из состояния равновесия врач может прибегнуть к методам психотерапии.
A conflict is any confrontation between several parties. However, these parties can be within one person. In this case, we are talking about an intrapersonal conflict. Intrapersonal conflicts constantly arise in each of us when we are faced with any choice, and in the overwhelming majority of cases, they are quickly resolved. However, if a decision does not come, and oppositely directed aspirations - the opposing parties - continue to persist, an intrapersonal conflict can become chronic and acquire a pathological character. The problem of intrapersonal conflict has been of concern to specialists since the days of the formation of psychology and psychiatry as sciences. The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, proceeding from his concept of personality structure, believed that intrapersonal conflict develops as an outcome of a pronounced discrepancy between the "Ego" and its «Super Ego». Carl Rogers expressed very similar ideas; in his theory, an intrapersonal conflict arises when the "Real Self" does not correspond to the «Ideal Self». Abraham Maslow reflected on the nature of intrapersonal conflict already based on his concept of human aspirations, known as the «Maslow Pyramid». Sacrificing aspirations from the "higher levels of the pyramid" for the sake of satisfying more basic ones, a person also does not lose these aspirations, and they continue to exist in his consciousness, provoking an intrapersonal conflict. This idea was developed by Frederick Perls, suggesting that intrapersonal conflict is chronicled for the reason that a person is unable to build a rational hierarchy of his needs, as a result of which any of them are equalized, and a person cannot make a choice. We see similar ideas in Leon Festinger's theory of dissonance. In the nature of the development of intrapersonal conflict, Carl Jung emphasized the imposition of a certain model of behaviour on a person that contradicts his nature. Alfred Adler put somewhat similar ideas forward. He attached great importance to the violation of social integration of a person, however, for another reason - a long persistent feeling of his own low social significance. Many psychologists and psychiatrists, from Freud to modern specialists, note that intrapersonal conflict creates a favourable environment for the formation of neurosis. Vladimir Myasishchev saw in the intrapersonal conflict that developed as a result of a discrepancy between the expectations of a person, primarily from himself, and the reality, or against the background of a person's inability to fulfil the social role that society assigned to him, a huge potential for the formation of neurosis. Klaus Grave also believed that intrapersonal conflict can have a detrimental effect on the physical health through psychosomatic mechanisms. Modern studies support these ideas. The research by Robert Emmons and Laura King has shown that the presence of unresolved intrapersonal conflicts can affect both mental and somatic health of a person. Research by Ulrich Stangiera et al. showed a significant relationship between the presence of intrapersonal conflict and depression. In the treatment of intrapersonal conflict, most authors assign the leading role to a shift in balance in oppositely directed aspirations. In this process, obviously, it is crucial to reassess rationally these aspirations based on obtaining comprehensive information about their nature, as far as possible. However, there are theoretically unsolvable plots of the conflict. A classic example of such intrapersonal conflict of «immediate type» was given by Philippa Foot in her famous «Trolley Problem». Despite the fact that decision-making inevitably occurs in a very limited period, in retrospect, a person may constantly return to it. This thought experiment is often used in the preparation of students in sociology, politics, psychology, philosophy and other areas. In case of failure of logical therapy, it is possible to use other methods of psychotherapy. Manfred Beutel showed the relative effectiveness of methods of emotionally oriented and psychodynamic psychotherapy. This approach is focused on the development of natural mechanisms of psychological defence in the patient through the constant persistence of intrapersonal conflict in the patient's mind under controlled conditions.