Iraq in the regional economy and social sphere and the problems of reconstruction

The article is devoted to the analysis of the current socio-economic state of Iraq and the identification (as well as the change) of its place and role in the regional economic system of Western Asia. This area of research has been significantly updated in the XXI century due to the growth of regional instability, which has caused serious socio-economic problems in Iraq, as in other countries of the region, and generates the need to understand the dynamics, problems and prospects of socio-economic development and restoration of the national economy of Iraq, significantly destroyed as a result of the military conflict. According to the authors, this study is particularly relevant due to the growing scientific and practical interest in the Eastern Mediterranean region, including Iraq and Syria. The subject of research in this article is the socio-economic situation of Iraq and its changes in the XXI century. The directions and possibilities of stabilization and development of the national economy, as well as the role and position of the country in the region, the prospects for its more active inclusion in the regional and global economic system. The authors conclude that a significant number of problems remain in the country; many of them arise and are supported at the global and regional level. At the same time, certain stabilization factors are forming in Iraq. The authors substantiate the point of view that the most important of them can be considered Iraq's significant place in the regional economic system. The research is based on the application of historical, statistical, and comparative methods, as well as the visualization method.

Статья посвящена анализу современного социально-экономического состояния Ирака и выявлению (а также изменению) его места и роли в региональной экономической системе Западной Азии. Объект исследования - социально-экономическое положение Ирака и его изменения в XXI в., а также роль и позиции страны в регионе, перспективы более активного ее включения в региональную и мировую систему хозяйства. Авторы приходят к выводу о том, что в стране сохраняется значительное количество проблем, многие из них возникают и поддерживаются на глобальном и региональном уровне.

Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение "Российская академия наук"
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  • 1 RUDN University
iraq; West Asia; regional cooperation; regional economy and trade; social system; ирак; Западная Азия; региональное сотрудничество; региональная экономика и торговля; социальная система
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