Features of human resource management in higher education institutions in the context of the transition to the model "University 4.0"

The widespread introduction of digital technologies has led to a significant revision of the requirements for the qualification of employees, the transformation of staff competencies in connection with the change of work. Reducing the life cycle of professions, the emergence of new ones, increasing the requirement for flexibility and adaptability of personnel ("soft skills") and other requirements of the modern labor market have caused the need for fundamental changes in the system of training specialists in higher educational institutions. The development of higher education in universities of traditional models ceases to meet the demands of both employers and graduates themselves in terms of their professional training. Modern universities are not only scientific and educational, but also innovative and high-tech enterprises of the economy, which should be ready not only to create new competencies and knowledge, but also to commercialize them. In such conditions, there are fundamental changes not only in the organization of the educational and research process at the university, but also significant changes in the types and level of competencies of the teaching staff. In this regard, there is a need to develop tools for optimizing the process of human resource development at the university based on the assessment of efficiency conditions. The authors analyze the need to review the requirements for the organization of the educational process in order to increase the efficiency of research, innovation and entrepreneurial activities in the university

Tatiana 1, 2 , Adashova Tatiana 1 , Rogoten Natalia3
Atlantis Press
  • 1 Рeoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
  • 2 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • 3 Moscow Pedagogical State University
high-tech enterprise; human resource management; university 4.0; education 4.0
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