Age-related morphological changes in intima of great saphenous vein in health and in venous disease

To study and evaluate degree of morphological changes in intima of great saphenous vein (GSV) in patients of different age groups in health and in venous disease. Materials and methods: We investigated autopsy material of GSV in 60 deceased patients and postoperative material of GSV in 80 patients with venous disease. Four age groups were formed: young age, middle age, older and elderly age. Totally there were 280 GSV fragments. Histological, morphometric, electron microscopic and biochemical studies were performed. Results: Our results are mainly consistent with the reference data. However, we carried out a comparative study of intima structure in norm and with venous disease in patients of different age. At the same time due to agerelated decline in varicose veins morphological changes are progressing. There are areas of endothelium atrophy and signs of fibrotic replacement in young and middle age patients with venous disease, whereas in older and elderly patients desquamation of endothelium and sclerosis were observed. Conclusion: Progressive degeneration in older and elderly patients with varicose veins promotes morphological changes of GSV and progression of the disease on histological and ultrastructural level that worsens endothelial dysfunction.

Abduvosidov Kh.A. 1, 3 , Chudnykh S.M. 1, 3 , Astashov V.V. 2 , Chekmareva I.A. 4 , Kravchenko E.V.1
European Scientific Society
Number of issue
  • 1 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov
  • 2 Moscow Clinical Scientific Center
  • 3 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • 4 Federal State Budget Institution "A.V. Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center of Surgery" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
great saphenous vein (GSV); intima; varicose veins; chronic venous insufficiency; degenerative changes

Other records

Анфалова А.Ю., Павлуцких М.В., Сумарокова М.А.
Роль аграрной науки в устойчивом развитии сельских территорий. Издательский центр Новосибирского государственного аграрного университета "Золотой колос". 2021. P. 899-903