One of the significant trends in the development of modern society is the formation of professional intercultures - a new process of the intercultural professional development in the 21st century. Modern specialists who represent various spheres of knowledge brought to light new perspectives and opportunities that they started exploring. These new prospects contributed both to companies and individuals' development. Such rapid growth of commercial contacts and international corporate relations proved that professionals involved in intercultural communication require a qualitatively new level of training that implies effective intercultural professional communication and interaction in the professional are, adequate communication conditions for the perception of a communication partner (Akmaeva N.G., Yarotskaya LV., 2011; Khomyakova N.P., 2011; Yarotskaya L.V., 2015). (Akmaeva N.G., Yarotskaya L.V., 2011; Khomyakova N.P., 2011; Yarotskaya L.V., 2015). Recent events have shown that representatives of the legal profession are essential and valuable participants of most business affairs at the international level. Frequently, how successful the partners are in intercultural communication reflects their professional reputation in particular and the company's reputation as a whole. Subsequently, lawyers who accompany all international negotiations have an essential role in resolving contradictions, providing legal assistance for national companies and transnational organizations, and mitigating the consequences of the possible losses. Modern scholars agree that nowadays, lawyers face certain obstacles related to working in the intercultural dimensions. These obstacles have various grounds, including verbal and non-verbal communication. In the following article, the author reveals and describes mentioned above difficulties and traces their influence regarding the lawyers' intercultural professional competence. Such difficulties are of great attention while teaching lawyers intercultural communication. One of the essential elements of the conceptual system of any branch of knowledge is direct access to the corresponding language picture of the world. In other words, professional vocabulary that is in everyday use within the representatives of each profession. Thus, special attention is paid to developing a foreign language terminology acquisition that reflects the profession's conditions in a different linguistic culture. Nevertheless, it is evident that entry in the other linguoculture should be associated not only with profound studying of the legal terminology but also with developing critical thinking, strategies of behavior expected from the representatives of that linguoculture.

Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
modern communication techniques; legal techniques; interculture; professional training

Other records

Зюкина З.С.
Перспективные направления современной лингвистики. Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН). 2020. P. 94-102