Numbers are taught at lower levels in ELT, but they are given scant attention at higher levels even though they cause disfluency up to the highest levels. This paper looks briefly at why numbers cause problems for learners and offers a range of activities for practicing numbers. When reading and writing numbers, symbols are used, and these are not processed as language. When listening to and speaking numbers in a linguistic context, code switching is required which requires repeated practice. The activities range from whole lessons to warmers and fillers, and they can be used in conjunction with other language areas. Although aimed at intermediate and above the activities can be adapted for lower levels.

Other records

Chesnokova O.S., Radović M.
Актуальные проблемы лингвистики и лингводидактики иностранного языка делового и профессионального общения : сборник статей VIII Международной научной конференции. Москва, РУДН, 19–20 апреля 2018 г.. РУДН. 2020. P. 50-52
Чернова О.Е., Литвинов А.В.
Актуальные проблемы лингвистики и лингводидактики иностранного языка делового и профессионального общения : сборник статей VIII Международной научной конференции. Москва, РУДН, 19–20 апреля 2018 г.. РУДН. 2020. P. 46-49