Об одном подходе к оценке эффективности инспекционной контрольной деятельности

Рассмотрена проблема оценки эффективности инспекционной контрольной деятельности. Выполнен анализ базовой модели оценки эффективности надзорной деятельности. Проведено сравнительное исследование возможности и целесообразности использования пирамиды Хайнриха - Берда при обосновании мероприятий по обеспечению производственной безопасности. Предложен подход к оценке предотвращенного ущерба как одного из показателей эффективности инспекционной контрольной деятельности. Приведены результаты оценочных расчетов.

The problem is reviewed concerning the efficiency of inspection control activities assessment. The importance of using a risk-oriented approach for the transition to proactive methods of ensuring the production safety of hazardous production facilities is noted. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop the basic model in terms of using the value of prevented damage as one of the efficiency indicators. The analysis is made concerning the scientific publications from the point of view of the possibility and feasibility of using the Heinrich-Berd pyramid when justifying activities on ensuring industrial safety. The examples of using this approach in solving various practical tasks is given in the article. A methodological approach is proposed related to the assessment of prevented damage as one of the indicators of the efficiency of inspection control activities using the methodology of building the Heinrich-Berd pyramid. In addition to the existing 4-level classification of events in the field of industrial safety, it is recommended to introduce level 5 related to the identification of inconsistencies identified as the result of inspection and control activities. Identified inconsistencies are prerequisites for the events of level 4 of classification. It is assumed that the elimination of the identified inconsistencies (level 5) can potentially lead to the prevention of events at levels 1-4. The formula is proposed for calculating the prevented damage (direct and indirect) considering the ratio between the events of different levels and the level of elimination of the identified inconsistencies. Estimated calculations of the total prevented damage to the hazardous production facilities in the gas industry were performed. The calculations showed the adequacy and practical significance of the proposed approach. This approach, of course, requires testing and confirmation of the assumptions made, but in general shows that the value of the prevented damage can be estimated and used as one of the indicators of the efficiency of the inspection and control activities.

Лукъянчиков М.И.1 , Лесных В.В. 1, 2
Number of issue
  • 1 ООО «Газпром газнадзор»
  • 2 Российский университет дружбы народов
hazardous production facility; inspection and control activity; efficiency assessment; risk-oriented approach; proactive approach; safety pyramid; prevented damage; опасный производственный объект; ИНСПЕКЦИОННАЯ КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ; оценка эффективности; риск-ориентированный подход; проактивный подход; пирамида происшествий; предотвращенный ущерб

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