The medical and social significance of schistosomiasis at the present stage. Schistosomiasis in the Republic of Guinea

Schistosomiasis are registered in more than 70 countries of the world in which more than 250 million people are infected, about 800 million people are at high risk of infection, and the number of deaths associated with the disease reaches 200,000 people per year. The African region accounts for about 90% of all cases. Due to the low results of many years of struggle in many endemic foci, schistosomiasis gradually passed into the category of "neglected tropical diseases". However, according to the modern WHO roadmap, the fight against schistosomiasis has again become one of the priorities, which is directly related to new diagnostic capabilities. Due to the low sensitivity of traditional microscopy, the often long asymptomatic course of the disease, the absence of pathognomonic symptoms and the high risk of developing severe complications (malignant neoplasms, liver cirrhosis, secondary infertility, increased risk of HIV infection), there is an urgent need for a new "gold standard" of diagnostics, based on modern immuno-serological and molecular genetic methods, which would meet the ASSURED criteria (Affordable, Sensitive, Specific, User friendly, Rapid and robust, Equipment free and Deliverable). Increasing the diagnostic capabilities of medical centers in endemic zones, especially in the Republic of Guinea, and extensive population studies using sensitive methods will allow timely detection of schistosomiasis among the population, especially in children, who are the most vulnerable contingent, and obtain reliable statistical data, which will become the basis for optimizing the strategy fight against dangerous helminthiasis. Praziquantel remains the treatment of choice for all types of schistosomiasis. © 2021, Dynasty Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Dynasty Publishing House
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  • 1 People’s Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Moscow, Russian Federation
  • 2 N.F.Gamaleya Federal Research Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russian Federation
Immuno-serological; Molecular-genetic methods; New "gold standard" of diagnostics; Optimization of control strategy

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