“Flipped class” technology in teaching foreign non-philological students

The article describes an adapted version of the innovative technology “flipped classroom,” which can be used in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language, especially in the context of distance learning. The relevance of the study lies in the need to create a methodology that meets the interests of the modern generation of students and is effective in the context of remote educational process. The purpose of the research is to describe the methodology for using the “flipped class” technology in a foreign language audience with the use of authentic Russian films – screen adaptations of literary works. To achieve this goal, analysis, systematization, generalization, description and other methods were used. The research materials were the feature film “It Can’t Be!” (directed by L. Gaidai, 1975), stories by M.M. Zoshchenko “Galosh,” “Funny Adventure,” Wedding Accident,” the play “Crime and Punishment,” files with theoretical and regional information, a file with tasks, a questionnaire. The methodology has been successfully tested with foreign students of non-philological specialties. A hypothesis was put forward, the innovative technology “flipped classroom” was adapted to teaching Russian as foreign language in the context of distance learning, authentic films-adaptations of Russian artistic texts were selected, and a system of exercises was developed. An experiment was carried out, and then the hypothesis was corrected, taking into account the questionnaire survey and control testing of students. The main results of the study are that the use of the suggested methodology increases the efficiency of the educational process, motivation of foreign students to study the Russian language, literature, traditions of Russian native speakers, literacy of students and their linguistic and cultural competence. It also forms the ability of foreign students to self-study and self-organization, as well as to successfully conduct the educational process in a distance learning environment. The authors of the article consider it promising to use the “flipped classroom” technology in teaching Russian as a foreign language based on the material of linguocultural and regional studies, with the help of which students will be able to master educational information in accordance with different levels of language proficiency. © Denisenko A.V., Bereznyatskaya M.A., Kalinina J.M., 2022.

Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Российский университет дружбы народов (РУДН)
Number of issue
  • 1 Russian Language Department No 4, Russian Language Institute, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), 6 Mikluho-Maklaya St, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
authentic feature films; cultural linguistics; distance learning; grammar; innovative technology; regional studies; “flipped classroom; ” Russian as a foreign language

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