Application of 3D Static Modelling in Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study from the Qishn Formation in Sharyoof Oil Field, Masila Basin, Yemen

Three-dimensional (3D) static modelling techniques are applied to the characterization of the Qishn Formation (Fm.) in the Sharyoof oil field locating within the Masila basin, southeastern Yemen. The present study was initiated by the seismic structural interpretation, followed by building a 3D structural framework, in addition to analysing well log data and from these, 3D facies and petrophysical models are constructed. In the Sharyoof oil field, the Qishn Fm. exhibits depth values within the range of 400–780 m below sea level, with a general increase towards the SSE. A set of high dip angle normal faults with a general ENE–WSW trend dissect the rocks. The strata are also folded as a main anticline with an axis that is parallel to the fault trend, formed as a result of basement uplift. According to the facies models, the Qishn Fm. comprises 43.83% limestone, 21.53% shale, 21.26% sandstone, 13.21% siltstone and 0.17% dolomite. The Qishn Carbonates Member has low porosity values making it a potential seal for the underlying reservoirs whereas the Upper Qishn Clastics S1A and C have good reservoir quality and S1B has fair reservoir quality. The Upper Qishn Clastics S2 and S3 also have fair reservoir quality, while the Lower Qishn Clastics zone has good reservoir quality. The water saturation decreases towards the west and east and increases towards north and south. The total original oil in-place (OOIP) of the Upper Qishn clastics is 106 million STB within the S1A, S1C and S2 zones. Drilling of development wells is recommended in the eastern study area, where good trapping configuration is exhibited in addition to the presence of a potential seal (Upper Qishn Carbonates Member) and reservoir (Qishn Clastics Member) with high porosity and low water saturation. © 2021 Geological Society of China

Abdullah E.A. 1 , Abdelmaksoud A.2, 3 , Hassan M.A. 1
John Wiley and Sons Inc
Number of issue
  • 1 Department of Mineral Developing and Oil & Gas Engineering, Academy of Engineering, People's Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
  • 2 Department of Earth Sciences, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, 127788, United Arab Emirates
  • 3 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, 71516, Egypt
facies modelling; petroleum basins; petrophysical modelling; Sayun–Masila basin; seismic interpretation; structural modelling; upstream exploration; well log analysis

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