Osteoinductive potential of highly porous polylactide granules and Bio-Oss impregnated with low doses of BMP-2

Existing osteoplastic materials based on osteoconductive matrices lose their relevance. In this connection, to find the most effective and biocompatible carriers for osteoinductors delivery is an important task. Among the existing growth factors BMP-2 is the most effective and researched. Highly porous polylactide (PLA) granules and granular deproteinized bone material Bio-Oss were studied as carriers. Highly porous PLA granules were more effective than Bio-Oss. When using the minimum effective dose of BMP-2 for rats of 10 μg/ml impregnated in highly porous PLA granules, osteogenesis was induced in the calvarial critical-size defect and 18 ± 8% of the defect was filled with a new bone. There were no inflammatory reactions in the PLA granules implantation area. During subcutaneous implantation in rats it was shown that giant multinuclear cells took part in the resorption of the material. Their number was statistically significantly higher in the PLA granule implantation area than Bio-Oss and amounted to 71 ± 23 versus 30 ± 8 cells per 1 mm2. The obtained data showed that highly porous PLA granules were a promising basis for osteoinductive osteoplastic materials.

Vasilyev A V 1, 2 , Kuznetsova V S 1, 2 , Bukharova T B 1, 3 , Grigoriev T E 1, 4 , Zagoskin Yu D 1, 4 , Galitsina E V3 , Fatkhudinova N L2 , Babichenko I I 1, 2 , Chvalun S N 1, 4 , Goldstein D V 1, 3 , Kulakov A A 1, 2
Number of issue
  • 1 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
  • 2 Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • 3 Research Centre for Medical Genetics
  • 4 NRC “Kurchatov Institute”

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