GARFIELD-AF: A worldwide prospective registry of patients with atrial fibrillation at risk of stroke

The Global Anticoagulant Registry in the Field-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF) examined real-world practice in a total of 57,149 (5069 retrospective, 52,080 prospective) patients with newly diagnosed AF at risk of stroke/systemic embolism, enrolled at over 1000 centers in 35 countries. It aimed to capture data on AF burden, patients' clinical profile, patterns of clinical practice and antithrombotic management, focusing on stroke/systemic embolism prevention, uptake of new oral anticoagulants, impact on death and bleeding. GARFIELD-AF set new standards for quality of data collection and analysis. A total of 36 peer-reviewed articles were already published and 73 abstracts presented at international congresses, covering treatment strategies, geographical variations in baseline risk and therapies, adverse outcomes and common comorbidities such as heart failure. A risk prediction tool as well as innovative observational studies and artificial intelligence methodologies are currently being developed by GARFIELD-AF researchers. Clinical Trial Registration: NCT01090362 (

Bassand J.P.1, 2 , Kayani G.2 , Pieper K.S.2 , Kakkar A.K.2, 21 , Apenteng P.N.3 , Fitzmaurice D.A.3 , Atar D.4, 5 , Camm A.J.6 , Cools F.7 , Corbalan R. 8 , Fox K.A.A.9 , Goto S.10 , Haas S.11 , Hacke W.12 , Jerjes-Sanchez C.13 , Koretsune Y.14 , Heuzey J.Y.L.15 , Sawhney J.P.S.16 , Oh S.17 , Stepinska J.18 , Cate V.T.19 , Verheugt F.W.A. 20 , Garfield-Af Investigators F.T.
Number of issue
  • 1 Department of Cardiology|University of Besancon
  • 2 Department of Clinical Research|Thrombosis Research Institute
  • 3 Department of Surgery|University College London
  • 4 Warwick Medical School|University of Warwick
  • 5 Department of Cardiology|Oslo University Hospital Ullevaal
  • 6 Institute of Clinical Science|University of Oslo
  • 7 Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute|St George's University of London
  • 8 Department of Cardiology
  • 9 Department of Cardiology|Catholic University
  • 10 Centre for Cardiovascular Science|University of Edinburgh
  • 11 Department of Medicine(Cardiology)|Tokai University|School of Medicine
  • 12 Department of Medicine|Formerly Technical University of Munich
  • 13 Department of Neurology|University of Heidelberg
  • 14 Instituto de Cardiologia y Medicina Vascular|Tec Salud
  • 15 Institute for Clinical Research|Osaka National Hospital
  • 16 Department of Arrhythmia|European Hospital Georges Pompidou|Rene Descartes University
  • 17 Department of Cardiology|Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
  • 18 Department of Internal Medicine|Seoul National University|College of Medicine
  • 19 Intensive Cardiac Therapy Clinic|Institute of Cardiology
  • 20 Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht
  • 21 Depertment of Cardiology|Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis
Artificial Intelligence (AI); atrial fibrillation (AF); GARFIELD-AF; nonvitamin K oral anticoagulant (NOAC); observational study

Other records

Shananin A.A., Trusov N.V., Tarasenko M.V.
Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Verlag. Vol. 1476 CCIS. 2021. P. 417-428
Вестник Северного (Арктического) федерального университета. Серия: Гуманитарные и социальные науки. Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова. Vol. 21. 2021. P. 40-53