Smart city technologies in the context of ensuring environmental safety and political stability

The article analyzes the problems of formation and implementation of technologies of "smart cities" through the prism of ensuring environmental safety and maintaining the political stability of a large city. It has been established that there are various aspects of the development of smart cities. An increased interest on the part of scientists, engineers, ecologists, politicians, government and international structures and institutions in the technologies of "smart cities" is noted. The focus of the study is on the fact that the range of real problems of a modern city includes the solution of problems of safety, ecology, harmonious formation of infrastructure, logistics and other aspects of its effective development. The effect of use of such technologies in the environmental sphere is considered in the context of maintaining political stability. The problem of radiophobia in Moscow is illustrated. The costs of the media functioning when covering environmental issues are indicated. The role of information and communication technologies as a toolkit contributing to development of smart cities is outlined. An example of Moscow metropolis radiation-ecological monitoring system is given. It is offered to replicate technologies of an integrated automated system for environmental monitoring of urban space. The authors complement the existing approaches to the study of smart city technologies in key aspects of ensuring environmental safety and maintaining political stability.

Grishin O.E. 1, 2 , Nesterchuk O.A. 1, 3 , Popov S.I. 1 , Tolochko A.V. 4 , Levashova O.V.4
EDP Sciences
  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • 2 Russian State Social University
  • 3 The Russian Presidential Academy Of National Economy And Public Administration
  • 4 Bunin Yelets State University
Smart City; environmental safety; POLITICAL stability

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