Linguo-informational training of pre-service foreign language teacher

In the context of the formation of post-non-classical scientific and educational paradigm in the 21st century, the social and didactic status of a foreign language is changing significantly. In such an interpretation, the need for a more thorough study of communicative processes is obvious, including the specifics of intercultural communication in general and in the field of teaching foreign languages. Accordingly, new requirements arise for the teacher of a foreign language and the system of their training at the university. The directions of research in the field of training a future teacher of a foreign language are determined by the peculiarities of the new paradigm of public relations, which are fixed in the tasks of modernizing the Russian education system in general and higher foreign language education in particular. The main directions of state policy in the field of modernization of foreign language education are reflected in the National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation until 2025, the National Project "Education". In modern conditions, the scientific consideration of the processes of modernization of education cannot take place in isolation from the information environment as an integral part of the modern socio-cultural life of a person. The new living conditions, the formation of which is largely caused by the spread of COVID-19, have significantly strengthened the vector of considering informatization not only as a technical and technological phenomenon, but also as a phenomenon of modern culture. Applying a philosophical understanding of the processes of informatization of modern society to educational systems, researchers consider them as a process of forming qualitative changes in the components of the system, as a result of which it acquires new characteristics and properties of the information environment, which together determine a new result - an increase in the quality of education. At the same time, it is noted that it is the interdisciplinary, integrative nature of such changes that determines the stability of the educational system, obtaining a guaranteed high-quality result. The interdisciplinarity and integrativeness of the processes of informatization of the training of a modern foreign language teacher is reflected in the new requirements of federal state educational standards of higher education for its results - mastering a set of competencies that characterize the competence of a foreign language teacher. In this rhetoric, the competence of a foreign language teacher is a methodological basis for the interdisciplinary integration of student training in the process of studying at a university in the context of informatization. An analysis of publications that reveal the content and quality of training of a foreign language teacher indicates that his professional competence in the information space is mainly determined by the integrative nature of linguistic and informational training in the process of forming the competence of a foreign language teacher in accordance with the social role and tasks of further activities - the implementation of the process of foreign language education. Based on the position of the systematic approach, that the object of research is considered as a system, by which one should understand the interconnected unity of individual elements, forming a new quality, which has specific properties, we consider it necessary in this article to outline the integrative processes of forming the competences of a future teacher of a foreign language and informatization of such training as "linguo-informational training". Ensuring the integrative linguo-informational training of a future foreign language teacher from the standpoint of the methodology of foreign languages education requires the development of an appropriate system of teaching a foreign language, focused on the interdisciplinary integrative formation of competencies in the linguo-informational context of training a future teacher of a foreign language. An indicator of the quality of preparation of a future teacher of a foreign language is a certain resource of his personality, which provides an opportunity for his participation in intercultural communication in the field of foreign language education. According to this trend, the modern process of linguo-informational training at the university orients students towards extensive communicative interaction in the linguo-informational context. On the other hand, the extensive theoretical basis for considering the concept of intercultural communication in the methodology of teaching a foreign language makes it possible to determine the linguo-informational context of intercultural communication as a leading factor in the linguo-informational training of a future teacher of a foreign language and a system-forming idea in the interconnected teaching of students a foreign language and the methodology of teaching it in the context of informatization. The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of the linguo-informational context of training future foreign language teacher, the analysis of the linguodidactic potential of the corresponding context of intercultural communication, the definition of the concept, the invariant and variable structure and mechanisms of the linguo-informational development of the future teacher of a foreign language. The article also describes the content and results of an experimental study of the linguo-informational training of future teachers of a foreign language.

Karabuschenko N.B. 1 , Kruze B.A.2 , Zhigalev B.A.3
Number of issue
  • 1 RUDN Univ, Dept Psychol & Pedag, Moscow, Russia
  • 2 Perm State Humanitarian Pedag Univ, Dept Educ & Psychol, Perm, Russia
  • 3 President Linguist Univ Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia
foreign language training; linguo-informational competence; linguo-informational environment; pedagogical education; intercultural communication

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