Infrastructure policy of the caspian states: Development strategy and geopolitical aims

I n recent years, the Caspian states have been paying increasingly more attention to port infrastructure develop-ment. The construction of new facilities and the reconstruction of existing ports received a new impetus. The Caspian states increase their investments in this sphere every year. They have developed national programs that aim to increase the volume of cargo passing through the Caspian states’ sea-ports. The development of port infrastructure, augmented by new railways, was deliberat-ed by the Caspian states in the context of solving geopolitical problems. The advance-ment of the negotiation process on the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea brought the solution of economic issues to the fore, along with the development of transport and related infrastructure. The signing of this document in August 2018 only raised the interest of the regional states in trade and economic cooperation. Accord-ingly, one of the key tasks that the Caspian states were facing was port infrastructure development. The construction of new ports was believed to foster achievement of long-term goals. In addition to economic develop-ment, first and foremost, of coastal territo-ries, regional countries sought to reinforce their positions in global trade flows. Besides, the facilities constructed by the Caspian countries in recent years have been inte-grated in large-scale infrastructure projects, which are being actively promoted by non-regional states. China, the EU and Turkey have a stake in their implementation, and the Caspian infrastructure served as a part of regional transportation projects. The adoption of documents related to the development of transport in the Caspian region by the Caspian states reflected the importance of infrastructure. They formu-lated long-term tasks and outlined the spheres of cooperation with their regional neighbors. The expansion of regional cooperation by the Caspian countries is accompanied by the intensified struggle for the flow of goods. The Caspian states are growing increasingly competitive in the transportation sphere. The struggle for container traffic volumes and hydrocarbon resources is pushing the Caspian states to apply various financial and administrative mechanisms in order to attract cargo. © 2021, CA and C Press AB. All rights reserved.

Zhiltsov S. 1, 2, 3
CA and CC Press AB
Number of issue
  • 1 Department of Political Science and Political Philosophy, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation
  • 2 People’s Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation
  • 3 S.Yu. Witte Moscow University, Russian Federation
Caspian region; Convention; Infrastructure; Ports; Shipping
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