The article introduces a philosophical examination of the dichotomy of Self and Other in the contemporary analysis of Christianity and Islam. Reviewing the phenomenon of the Other, the author refers to God as an object and subject of the relationship Human - Absolution at the same time. The relationship of an individual and God is viewed as grounds for the positive flow of the interreligious communications of the two major religions. The author reveals philosophical and religious ideas of the two world religions in the context of the historical development of their theological doctrines. The author discusses shared and specific religious ideas in the religious anthropology and epistemology of Islam and Christianity. Special attention is paid to religious ideas that contribute to the relationship of man and God in the individual's strive to achieve the unity with the Absolution. Moral categories of compassion, mercy, forgiveness, mutual understanding, are presented as the linking stages among the subject, Self, God, and the Other. The author emphasizes the philosophical-anthropological ideas, reflecting the fine line of the relations between the divine and human, when the Other becomes internally inherent, personal, spiritually enlightening the individual Self.