Scythian View of Russian Revolution: Aspects of Axiology

The perception of the revolution by the majority of members of the Scythian group (1916-1919) is examined in the article. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the views of the Scythians of the 1910s on the revolution correlate with their work, which is actively studied by modern researchers. It is shown that the priority for them was the projection of modernity on the mythologized and poeticized by them historical Scythians, the first was the question of the role of personal energy in opposition to social entropy. The article focuses on the actualization by the group members of the Scythian psychotype in the Russian revolution, on the premonition of their own death in its whirlwind, on the legacy of A. Herzen's ideas by Ivanov-Razumnik. The attitude of the group members to the religious content of the revolutions of 1917 is analyzed, the skeptical view of Ivanov-Razumnik, E. Zamyatin, S. Yesenin, N. Klyuev on the Church is presented. The point of view of the spiritual Scythians who dreamed of democracy on the role of the people in the revolution and the future of the country is considered. The apprehensions of M. Prishvin, A. Blok, A. Bely for the fate of a culture threatened with destruction are outlined. It is concluded that there is no single revolutionary axiology in the group and only the relative influence of the ideas of Ivanov-Razumnik on its members.

Solntseva N.M.1 , Solntseva E.G. 2
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Центр научных и образовательных проектов"
Number of issue
  • 1 Lomonosov Moscow State Univ, Dept Hist Contemporary Russian Literature & Conte, Moscow, Russia
  • 2 Peoples Friendship Univ Russia, Dept Foreign Languages, Fac Humanities & Social Sci, Moscow, Russia
Bolsheviks; intelligentsia; Rosicrucian; "Scythians"; church; Socialists-Revolutionaries

Other records

Mulahi S., Eltsova E.N., Pinaev S.M.
Научный диалог. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Центр научных и образовательных проектов". 2021. P. 237-255