In patients with basal cell carcinoma (BCC) skin microcirculation was measured by the laser Doppler flowmeter (LDF). Spectral analysis of LDF-signal based on fast Fourier transform enables us to evaluate an amplitude and predominated frequency of flux motions in the next diapasons: α-rhythm (1-3 cycles/rain, or min-1), β-rhythm (4-8 min-1), γ-rhythm (9-11 min-1), high-frequency rhythm (HF 12-30 min-1) and cardiorhythm (CF - 50-90 min-1). For photodynamic therapy (PDT) hematoporphyrin derivative was administrated intravenously in dosage 1-2 mg/Kg. In 24 hours after that all patients were exposed to the red laser irradiation (0.67 μm) in dose 200-300 J/cm2. The microcirculation level in BCC was higher than in the plots of healthy skin (13.1±1.18 a.u. against 8.1±0.96 a.u. respectively, p<0.01). Exactly after PDT the marked decrease of microcirculation up to 4.7±0.63 a.u. associated with photoinduced stasis took place in the tumor. Spectral analysis of flux motions demonstrated a significant inhibition of α-, β-rhythms and amplification of HF- and CF-rhythm. In 1 week after PDT we observed a gradual restoration of microcirculation in the zone of PDT skin injury that followed a wound healing process.