Students' creative activity development in the educational project

The strategy of modern education is aimed to provide opportunities for all students to show their talents and creativity. It corresponds to modern humanistic trends in the development of the graduate school. It is a fundamental principle, which is based on personal orientation. It relies on the subject experience and needs of each student. Methodology. The activity in the logic of the educational project, based on creative thinking, is characterized as conscious psychological processes (comparison, analysis, synthesis and their derivatives: analogy, combinatorics, opposition, etc.) and unconscious thinking. Results. The educational project activity includes the following stages: searching for information, studying the information, and creating something new. The educational project is defined as a didactic means, joint educational and cognitive creative activity of students. It assumes a common goal, agreed methods of activities. The methods are aimed at achieving a common result for solving the problem that is significant for the project participants. The following components are recognized in it: motivation, innovative technologies, creativity. Discussion. The mechanism for implementing the didactic model of the development of students' creative activity in the logic of the educational project includes: the creation and development of the educational environment; the algorithm for realizing the tasks of developing students' creative activity; pedagogical conditions for the development of students' creative activity. Conclusion. The most effective direction for the development of students' creative activity is the formation of a complex of psychological and pedagogical conditions. A student will be able to take a clearly expressed personal position in solving the problem situations and to approach them creatively. © 2018.

Revista Espacios
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  • 1 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation
  • 2 Mytishchi Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 1st Institutskaya street, 1, Moscow region, Mytischi, 141005, Russian Federation
Algorithm; Educational environment; Pedagogical conditions; Project; Project stages

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